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Renting in 7 steps

Are you looking for your ideal rental property? We will be happy to explain to you, in a number of steps, how this rental process works and what can be expected from us, Schep Vastgoedmanagers, in order to reside problem-free.



1. Create a personal Residence file

In order to be eligible for a rental property, it is necessary to first create a free residence file. This residence file is a personal account in which all your details are collected. 

Click here to create a free residence file.



2. Calculating the maximum rental price

In order to start the search for your ideal rental property, it is necessary to know which rental price will suit you. For the allocation of our rental properties, we use various income standards, varying from 3.5 to 4.5 times the basic rental price, which may differ per property.

Some councils require a housing permit. A maximum income may apply in this case. Thus, it may so happen that you earn too much to rent certain properties, as a result of which we cannot allocate the property to you. If a housing permit is applicable, this will always be noted in the text of the ad.

Via rent calculator below, you can calculate an indication for your maximum rental price.



Your maximum rent:€ 0,00€ 0,00

3. Find a suitable property

Now that you have a clearer picture of your maximum rental price, the quest for your ideal rental property can start. On our website you can search for a desired property within our range of properties.

You can create a search profile in your personal residence file. In this search profile you can indicate where and what type of property you are looking for. As soon as a new available property is entered into our files, matching your search profile, you will receive a notification via email.

Are you interested in a property? Then respond as quickly as possible via the response button on our website or via your personal residence file. This will put you on the list of interested persons, so you have a chance to become a resident. The first candidate or candidates will be approached by us, Schep Vastgoedmanagers, to do a viewing.

It is important that the (income)details of you and (possible) partner have been completed. In order to collect these details, we make use of Datakeeper. You will receive an invitation from Datakeeper by email, to collect all documents required to become eligible for the rental property. Click here for more information about Datakeeper.

It may so happen that you are not selected initially as a candidate. In that case you will be put on a reserve list. During this period, one should wait patiently until receiving a notification from us that you are selected after all, as a candidate or that the property is allocated to someone else. Either way, you will always receive a message.



4. Plan a viewing

If you were selected as a candidate for a property, we will contact you to schedule a viewing. Viewing a property will involve one of two situations:

Viewing at current tenant
In this case, the property is still occupied and you can make an appointment with the current tenant, to view the property. This is between you and the current tenant, we will not be present. If you are invited to view the property, you will be the first candidate for this property. We will also discuss with you what can be expected, such as scheduling the viewing and the response term.

Viewing an empty property
Together with other candidates, you are given the opportunity to view the property. You will receive a warm welcome by our rental team, who are ready to answer any of your questions.

From the moment that your appointment has been scheduled, you will be referred to by us as ‘candidate’.

We would like to hear whether or not you wish to rent the property within 24 hours.



5. Confirming the property application

Are you excited about the property you viewed? Time to complete your application. To collect the remaining documents, we also make use of Datakeeper. Click here for more information over Datakeeper.



6. Allocation of property and signing the tenancy agreement

As soon as we have received all the details and they have been approved, this implies that the property was allocated to you. After this (as yet verbal) agreement, you can no longer change your mind. If you should still decide to waive the property, charges will be imposed upon you. These will be € 250 at least, while any costs incurred could also be passed on to you.

The tenancy agreement can be signed digitally. You will receive it in time before the key exchange.



7. The key exchange

The day of the key exchange has arrived! Together with a technical supervisor, you will inspect the property. Any defects can thus easily be detected and repaired if necessary. The ultimate delivery is always documented and signed digitally.

In order to prevent unnecessary loss of time, sometimes the final inspection of the previous tenant will coincide with the delivery to you, as a new tenant.

Please note: A security deposit or bank guarantee, as well as the rent for the first calendar month, must always have been received before the agree delivery date of the property. Delivery can and will not take place without this payment.

Time to reside hassle-free, congratulations and enjoy your new home!

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